On Arrival Travel

Africa's Model Nation: Rwanda's Impressive Healthcare, Perfect Climate, and Selfless Culture with Colin McWatters & Grace Gatera

June 22, 2021 KT Maviglia-Morgan, Jordan Morgan Season 1 Episode 11

We talk to two friends who met while living and working in Rwanda. We discuss what Rwanda has to offer visitors and how the country is making a statement when it comes to equality and women's empowerment. 

Today on On Arrival:

  • Colin's study abroad trip many years ago that gave him the confidence and clarity to move to Rwanda
  • Grace's experience seeing the pride sites in New York and how that empowered her on her journey of acceptance as a gay woman
  • Colin discussed his approach to travel and how it has helped him take advantage of more travel abroad opportunities
  • Surviving the violence in Rwanda in 1994 and how that has inspired the work Grace does with The Welcome Trust
  • Rwanda's climate of 72 degrees year round makes for the best weather in the world
  • How Colin's unique upbringing shaped his view of the world and now offers him the chance to visit his siblings around the world
  • Grace's much different travel style than Colin and some of the trips that have met her bougie standard

Follow Grace on Twitter & Colin on Twitter

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